Home Expressions Equations Word Problems TI-84 Graphing Calculator Other Calculators

Expressions and Equations Calculators

Samuel Dominic Chukwuemeka I greet you this day,
Please solve the questions on your own before checking your answers with the calculators.
I wrote the codes for some of the calculators using JavaScript, a client-side scripting language.
The Wolfram Alpha widgets (many thanks to the developers) were used for some calculators.
Comments, ideas, areas of improvement, questions, and constructive criticisms are welcome. You may contact me.
If you are my student, please do not contact me here. Contact me via the school's system.
Thank you for visiting.

Samuel Dominic Chukwuemeka (Samdom For Peace) B.Eng., A.A.T, M.Ed., M.S

Calculators for Algebraic Expressions

Calculators for Algebraic Equations

Solve Equations

This calculator will:
(1.) Solve one-variable linear equations.
(2.) Solve one-variable quadratic equations.
(3.) Solve one-variable cubic equations.
(4.) Solve one-variable absolute value equations.
(5.) Solve one-variable rational/fractional equations.
(6.) Solve one-variable radical equations.
(7.) Give the answer(s) in the simplest exact forms.
(8.) Graph the real solutions(roots) on a number line.
(9.) Calculate the sum of real roots as applicable.
(10.) Calculate the product of real roots as applicable.
To see the answer(s) in decimals, click the "Approximate forms" link.
To see the answer(s) in the simplest / exact forms, click the "Exact forms" link.

To use the calculator, please:
(1.) Type your equation in the textbox (the bigger textbox).
(2.) Type it according to the examples I listed.
(3.) Delete the "default" expression in the textbox of the calculator.
(4.) Copy and paste the equation you typed, into the small textbox of the calculator.
(5.) Click the "Submit" button.
(6.) Check to make sure that it is the correct equation you typed.
(7.) Review the answers.

  • Using the Solve Equations Calculator
  • All outputs/answers are written as both integers and/or decimals; and integers and/or fractions.
  • Linear Equations: Type: $5p - 4 = 21$ as 5 * p - 4 = 21
  • Linear Equations: Type: $-1.2p + 1.25 = 0.77$ as -1.2 * p + 1.25 = 0.77
  • Linear Equations: Type: $\dfrac{3}{10} - \dfrac{7k}{15} = \dfrac{2}{3}$ as (3/10) - (7 * k/15) = (2/3)
  • Linear Equations: Type: $-2m - 3(4 - 2m) = 2(m - 3) + 2$ as -2 * m - 3 * (4 - 2m) = 2 * (m - 3) + 2
  • Linear Equations: Type: $2[-(x - 1) + 4] = 5 + [-(6x - 7) + 9x]$ as 2 * [-(x - 1) + 4] = 5 + [-(6 * x - 7) + 9 * x]
  • Linear Equations: Type: $2x - {x - [3x - (6x + 9)]} = 8x - 1$ as 2 * x - {x - [3 * x - (6 * x + 9)]} = 8 * x - 1
  • Rational Equations: Type: $\dfrac{4}{p + 8} + \dfrac{5}{p^2 - 8p + 64} = \dfrac{768}{p^3 + 512}$ as (4/(p + 8)) + (5/(p^2 - 8 * p + 64)) = (768 / (p^3 + 512))


Solve Quadratic Equations

  • Given: a Quadratic Equation in standard form
    To Calculate: other details

$x^2$ + $x$ + $ = 0$

  • Details

Solve Literal Equations - Solve for a Specified Variable

This calculator will:
(1.) Solve any equation for a specified variable.
In other words, it expresses a variable in terms of other variables.

To use the calculator, please:
(1.) Type your equation in the textbox (the bigger textbox).
(2.) Type it according to the examples I listed.
(3.) Delete the "default" equation in the textbox of the calculator.
(4.) Copy and paste the equation you typed, into the small textbox of the calculator.
(5.) Type the variable for which you want to isolate.
(5.) Click the "Submit" button.
(6.) Check to make sure that it is the correct equation you typed.
(7.) Review the answer.

  • Using the Solve Literal Equations Calculator
  • Type: $V = l * w * h$ for $w$ as V = l * w * h for w
  • Type: $F = \dfrac{mv}{t}$ for $t$ as F = (m * v)/t for t
  • Type: $P = a + b + c$ for $b$ as P = a + b + c for b
  • Type: $A = \dfrac{1}{2}h(l_1 + l_2)$ for $h$ as A = (1/2) * h * (l_1 + l_2) for h

Solve for

Word Problems


Still in development
Please check back soon
The Mathematics of Finance is ready


Still in development
Please check back soon

Given: Principal (Investment), Two Interest Rates, Time, Interest
Both accounts earned interest.

To Find: Investment at each Rate, Amount

in AND in


Given: Principal (Investment), Two Interest Rates, Time, Interest
One account received a gain. The other account suffered a loss.

To Find: Investment at each Rate, Amount

in (gain) AND in (loss)


Given: Two Interest Rates, Time, Interest
One account received "some" times as much investment as the other account.
The account with the lower rate received "some" times as much investment as the account with the higher rate.

To Find: Investment at each Rate, Total Investment, Amount


RECEIVED times as much investment as the



Given: Two Interest Rates, Time, Interest
One account received "some" times as much investment as the other account.
The account with the higher rate received "some" times as much investment as the account with the lower rate.

To Find: Investment at each Rate, Total Investment, Amount


RECEIVED times as much investment as the



TI-84 Graphing Calculator

Make a Table of Values, Graph and Trace Functions Using the TI-84 Calculator

This calculator will:
(1.) Form a Table of Values.
(2.) Graph equations/functions.
(3.) Trace functions.
(4.) Displays the Table of Values and the Graph in the same window.

To use the calculator, please:
(1.) Visit the link: TI-84 Calculator
(2.) Click the "Graphing" folder.
(3.) Click the link of "whatever you want to do".
(4.) Follow the directions as illustrated by the "blinking light".